
"Dear Ikey, I am so touched by your e-mail! We had such a great time - thanks to you! Your patience, calm, knowledge, humor and willingness to engage in discussions on subjects political, geopolitical, religious, cultural and even technological, made for a fascinating experience. I was most excited by the way you engaged the kids. Sometimes, I couldn't tell what they were taking in, but when we returned and heard them describing the trip and their impressions with other people, I realized how much the experiences resonated with them. I had spent a lot of time preparing the itinerary and it was definitely worthwhile, because the trip (involving 7 people ranging in age from 1 to 72!) was very ambitious! But your willingness to adapt and modify plans as the days unfolded made it possible for me to truly enjoy the precious time without sweating the details (making it possible to incorporate an unplanned visit to relatives and including Christian biblical sites and making many suggestions along the way).

I will definitely be encouraging everyone I know to visit Israel (preferably, with you as their guide). Thank you again for making the experience so meaningful and so much fun. I have attached a few pictures for you.

I confess that I had to reread Eshet Chayil. It is a very beautiful portrait of a strong woman and I am very honored (and humbled) by you're reference to it.

Wishing you much health, happiness and peace (above all)


 "I wanted to send a short note thanking you (and Ikey) for everything while we were in Israel. 

I spend an enormous amount of time reading and learning about various topics I find of interest. Israel and Pro Israel Politics head my "interest" list. Our trip would have been incomplete without the vast knowledge that Ikey brought to our Vacation.

What was so impressive, to me, was Ikey's interdisciplinary knowledge of the confluence of historical events centered in modern day Israel. Since I expected our Israeli tour guide to have a terrific grasp on Jewish history, Ikey's mastery here was impressive but not unexpected. What proved to be a real treat, however, was how he was able to weave all the regions religions into the true historical narrative of Modern Israel. 

I've been bragging to my friends that I learned more about Christianity on my trip than anything else. That is a strong positive from my point of view. 

What I further appreciate is Ikey's passion for my favorite place, Israel. Although my young family posed some challenges with respect to keeping their attention on some of the important historical events; Ikey made certain he "speed guided" us thru some of the most important times in Jewish history. The alternative was for my kids to be back at the pool! 

Our trip would not have been as amazing had it not been for Ikey. So in this way, David, you and your firm provided us with our most important asset, Ikey's knowledge and passion. 

Warm regards and Shana Tova. David H" 

Greenwich, CT 


"Ikey Korin is a Jew living in Israel. He is always the first choice of Christians for Israel Canada. He was the guide for a tour I had with them and he is phenomenal! He had his own van for smaller groups or he can rent a bus for larger groups. He is extremely knowledgeable and was always remarkably prepared. I have pictures and would love to meet with Pastor Paul. As a matter of accountability, I am including Dr. John Tweedie the head of C4I Canada and C4I International.

Shalom, Jeff"

Dr. Jeffrey Lutes - President

International Harvesters for Christ

Harvesters Media Group - Listen Live

Dear Ikey,

I just wanted to tell you how great the 7-day tour was; certainly beyond all of my expectations (and I expected a lot). You certainly did not miss a trick. This was my first trip to Israel but hopefully, not my last.

How to begin... what to say! WOW! WHAT A COUNTRY!

As I have been telling everyone, the ENTIRE trip was FANTASTIC, OUTSTANDING, WONDERFUL and above all, INCREDIBLY POWERFUL both historically and spiritually. In other words, I am saying that the tour was absolutely spectacular. What's more important, it was extremely emotional and charging. I was continually amazed how each sight we visited became more and more alive.

Needless to say, a big player in this scenario was you. Your love of Israel, sensitivity and devotion to your trade, not to mention incredible understanding and patience with us was evident throughout the whole journey. Ikey, you truly know your stuff!... and it was apparent throughout the trip. Interestingly enough, if asked what kind of tour I'd like to take in Israel, I'd try to describe something which you so superbly implemented in reality. Many thanks to you. if you ever need a reference, I'll be happy to talk as a reference to anybody who wishes to take this tour. And one more very important thing: Ikey, it was an honor to have you as a leader. If I ever get a chance to lead a group to Israel, I will truly look you up first.

Special thanks to you, Ella"