Christian Tour Israel

Christian Tours to Israel – Suggested Sample Itinerary

Tuesday: according to your landing in the Holy land) pick up from airport, and start your lifetime experience by a visit to Jaffa, home of Simon the tanner, were the angel Gabriel was rev led to St. Peter. Visit Tel-Aviv. 
Overnight: Tel-Aviv/ Natania

Wednesday: visit Caesarea, were gentiles were first empowered by the holy spirit, on to Megiddo, site of Armageddon, and were the book of Revelation indicate the final battle to take place. We will ascend to Nazareth, hometown of Jesus to visit the church of the annunciation. Next is a visit to Cana, site of the first miracle of Jesus.  baptisem in the Jordan.jpg Overnight by sea of Galilee

Thursday:This day is a wish comes true : A boat ride on the sea of Galilee!! then a visit the church built over the place were the multiplication of loafs and fish happened,
on to St. Peter primacy.
Visit the chapel on the mount of beatitude, were the sermon on the mount was given, and then to Capernaum to see the very places were Jesus taught and lived. Korazim, the city cursed by Jesus is next.
End this day by the Jordan river (rededication of baptize can be arrange) Overnight by sea of Galilee

Friday: Visit Kursi, site of the miracle of the swine. On to Beth–She’an, Israel's largest open-air archeological site, and the walls upon which Saul &Jonathan bodies were hanged. On along the Jordan valley to Jerusalem. 
Upon arrival. enjoy the breath-taking view, looking from mount of olives. 
Overnight : Jerusalem

Saturday: a Jerusalem walking tour in the old city to reveal it's little allies includes: the Jewish quarter and the Wailing wall, the via Dolorosa (way of the cross), the church of the holy Sepulcher and the Golgotha, the Christian quarter , the markets , the Cardo-walk on a 1700 years old roman street ! , the last supper room, Caiaphas (high Priest) house, and the garden of Gethsemane.
Overnight: Jerusalem

Sunday: should you wish to attain a Sunday service, sun-sat will replace each other.
Descend out of Jerusalem to the lowest place on earth- the Dead Sea. Start with Masada, a world heritage site, a king’s palace and a battlefield of the zealots.
View the Ein-gedi waterfall and on to Qumran, were the Dead Sea scrolls were found. Enjoy a relaxing dip n the heavy water of the Dead Sea to end this day.
Overnight in Jerusalem

Monday: visit the Israel museum were many artifacts relating to the early days of Christianity are on display, alongside with the famous Dead Sea scrolls.
Visit the Menorah next to the Israeli parliament. Situation permitting – a visit to Bethlehem, to the church of nativity.
View Jerusalem on your way from the Hass promenade.
Overnight: Jerusalem

Tuesday: a visit to Ein-Kerem, a village that some traditions consider as the birthplace of St. John. On to view the famous Chagal’s stained windows of the twelve tribes. End the day at Yad-Vashem, the holocaust memorial.
Overnight: Jerusalem

Wednesday: visit Emmaus, first place Jesus was seen after his resurrection. On to Mini-Israel– the miniature park of Israel. Stop in the Ela valley– the battlefield between David &Goliath.
end your private tour in Israel
Overnight: Jerusalem/ Transfer to the airport